GRE TIPS: Improve math for GRE

How can i improve my math for GRE? 

Importance of maths in GRE

Maths is the subject that helps to evaluate your  analytical ability, reasoning ability and problem solving skills. GRE is the examination in which student’s potential to grow and present competence is evaluated. GRE math consists of basic mathematics that you studied in and before 10th grade, the questions although are twisted to tease brains. Math can also be used as technique in which a student is analysed with the situation, stress and various problems that he/she has to solve. We might not know if a student is faking its skills or not so the best way is math. 

GRE quantitative section consist of score range from 130-170. In many universities it is important to score 160+ to get into math field. GRE quant usually have 2 sections with 20-20 question each and 35 minutes to solve each. It means you have less than 2 minutes to solve each question in given time. Hence, time is a major concern with GRE quant. GRE math is heavily weighted for programs that consist of math and science field. 

Tips to improve 

Math is a subject that require practise so never skip studying math. Study daily! 

Learn tables of numbers upto 25 or more, squares of numbers, cubes of numbers to solve more quickly. 

Plan to spend less than 120 seconds or less than 100 seconds per question. 

Make a formula book, this helps organise your formulas and if you hit roadblocks while practising, you know exactly where to look. Also, write shortcuts of techniques to solve specific questions as a listicle to refer, organise this unit wise. Make a habit of going through this book daily.  

Practice thoughtful analysis

Solve as many as questions you can. Practice a lot because math can easily be solved in minimum time with good practice. Do not give a question a lot of time in exam. Set an alram clock while solving sample papers. 

Revise the basics of key topics – Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, statistics and data analysis. 

All questions in a section consist of equally marks so if you are stuck with some question don’t try so hard to solve it. Solve other and save it for later. 

Always answer the GRE question as GRE does not contain any negative marking . but to choose the right answer try eliminating the wrong answer that way you can guess the right answer. 

Don’t waste time in calculator. Try using calculator as shortcut not a right answer machine. Because it may consume lot of time to type everything and evaluate. 

Some people might read question in hurry which can lead to misconceptions. So make habit of reading question with full concentration. 

Sources Used 


Manhattan 5lb book 

Manhattan GRE practise tests

S Agrawal

Magoosh math section 

Barron’s math section 

Princeton’s math section 

Kaplan’s math section 

Gruber’s Complete GRE Guide – 4th edition 

Nova’s Math Guide 

ETS’s Official Guide for GRE 


Websites -gre-math-formulas 004.pdf 010.pdf

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