Tips for the CFA Exam

10 Tips to Prepare for the CFA Exam

 With exam season on the horizon, you may start to feel a growing sense of anxiety as you begin to tackle with your revision pile! We recognize that your success during the exam, depends largely on how well you prepare, this is why we have put together some great tips to help you achieve the results you want during this exam period and prepare well for the CFA Exam!

10 Tips to Prepare for the CFA Exam: 

  1. Put notes around your house – get some sticky notes and stick around your favourite places.

Place notes around your house to help you with revision. It might sound silly but sticking notes around your house in places like the living room, the kitchen, or even the toilet, will help you remember things and keep them fresh in your mind.

  1. No cramming – much of what you cram will soon be forgotten.

Leave behind the idea that can cram in all of your studying for an Upcoming exam right before the exam, such as the night before or the day of. Studies show you that cannot retain the information you cram, so even if you try to memorize the information right before the class, it is more difficult for you to remember the information than if you had studied over the whole semester and kept the information in your long term memory. 

  1. Get the blood going- the more you remain active, the more you will feel refreshed.

Physical activity during the exam period can play an important role in increasing productivity. By doing things like going for a run, heading to the gym, or even going for a brisk walk, you can stay mentally fresh and ready for the big day.

  1. Think positive- positive vibes will help you score well.

Think positive during the exam season. As it can go a long way in helping reduce stress and anxiety. It will help you with feeling relaxed on the day. Often overlooked, for us thinking positive during the exam period is a great way to put yourself in the right frame of mind.

  1. Schedule- create and maintain a balanced study schedule.

Try to schedule your study sessions in blocks of 2 hours. Concentration is often hard to study to sustain for longer than 2 hours and you want to make sure that your study sessions are productive. Studies show that we can do our best and most effective studying if we keep our sessions down to 2-hour blocks. Be sure to take a 5-minute break every 15 to 20 minutes.

  1. Location – create the best kind of study space.

A key part of successful studying is to have the correct sort of space in which to study. There are some important things to keep in mind when you choose where you study. Is there room for you to spread out all of your study materials? Will people find and bother you at this place? Is there good lighting and ventilation? Is there any background noise or distraction? 

  1. Distractions- just turn it off. It’s hard to retain information when you are distracted.

This may be difficult to do, but you should log off Facebook, your email accounts, and any other social media. If at all possible make silent your phone and put it away so you won’t be tempted to frequently check it for text messages. Of course, you will want the TV off even as background noise it can be too distracting. And whatever other distracting temptations you may have lying about you will want to turn them off, close or remove them from the room things like magazines, art projects, and books you are reading for pleasure.

  1. Practice – create Flashcards to review material.

Flashcards are a great tool when you are trying to memorize material. They are also excellent Study techniques because you are actually studying by creating them, and you can switch up the order in which you quiz yourself with the flashcards and this helps you truly remember the information.

  1. Health- Maintain a healthy diet. Aim to get 20 minutes of exercise a day. And don’t skip on sleep.

It is very important to take some time to spend free time and exercise time. You should add free time and exercise to your day. Daily exercise and a good night’s sleep can improve your memory, reduce stress, and improve your mood. Having a healthy diet will also help keep you mentally sharp.

  1. Do it your awesome way! 

At the end of the day, every student has their own unique way of learning when it comes to revising during the exam period, this is why you should take the time to understand your way of learning. Not only will this make it easier for you to study, but it will also help you recall information in the long run.

These were some of the many tips to prepare for the CFA Exam. Check out our other CFA Blogs to gather more such amazing tips and trick to help prepare for the CFA Exam.


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