Targets are associated with each and everything in the world, many people do curse targets and mostly students, especially when it comes to assignment submissions, project work and what not but these works are just seen as a task to be done but hardly any of the students think it as a target, because if they would have seen the task as a target they would surely have gained something out of that task rather being an 11th hour submission. Like the same way when a trip is being planned by us it does get successful because we are totally involved in it and set it as a target and get it accomplished and finally post mind-blowing pictures over the internet. So it is very clear that setting up a target makes us do things in an efficient manner, the reason being we see our target visible and to get that we get too much involved in it. So the GMAT aspirant reading this set 750+ as a threshold limit on your achievement meter before proceeding further otherwise the things mentioned here won’t be helpful to you for sure. So I am presenting in front of you some of the tips and tricks and resources necessary to rule the GMAT exam, without wasting let’s get started…
1. Mock Tests:
Before any talk first attempt a mock. So simple is the case we need to understand how much are we there in water because getting to know all the weaknesses and strengths is necessary as the first step towards our journey and what to do after giving a mock? Simple jot down all the weaknesses and strengths so that from the very first day you are aware of what are you upto and what all things are required to achieve that.
2. Plan:
Planning is the most crucial part in helping the aspirant to achieve his/her target, make this thing very clear in your mind as to how you need to train yourself like there is an ocean of resources available on web but many find it easy when trained under someone, so choice is all yours but before making any choice just think of the target you have set on the achievement meter because no compromise is expected for that. Now plan out a schedule for self-study according to your availability.
- Commit for 60-100 hours of study during your journey.
- Every day do study and focus on all the four sections equally at least for 1-2 hours.
- Follow 1-2-10 rule in this you study something the very first day, you then revise the very next day and again revise it the 10th day, so all in all consistent viewing and reviewing has to be done thoroughly.
- In weekends attempt a mock test so that you can evaluate how much are you improving as the time is passing.
3. Resources:
As there are n number of resources available on the internet but to trust which one is a bit tedious task but here’s presenting you some in a brief and concise way:
- GMAT Official Guide
- Manhattan GMAT Books
- Verbal Review for Official Guide
Software options:
- GMAT prep software
- Manhattan Online Tests
Get to read the content explained in these resources surely they would be helping you in the long run, the consistent viewing and reviewing will all be covered by these resources and easily you will be able to evaluate yourselves by knowing where actually you stand.
4. Self-Evaluation:
Self-evaluation is the most important thing which makes you realize your areas of improvement and on condition you’ll note them and strike through as soon as you get over that mistake, you are expected to give as many mock tests as possible at regular intervals may be every week and there are many apps, software which provides you with enough tests and you get to know your mistakes in no time with full analysis of it as well. Some trustable softwares have already been mentioned earlier just use them and use them truthfully and you would be surprised to know the miracles it would be doing to your preparation.
5. Coaching:
It is up to you whether you do self-study or you join a coaching, there is everything available on the internet and with little bit of research trustworthy things can be found which can be more than enough for your preparation and get yourself enrolled in and to know what worked for the other successful aspirants and design a personalized plan to get into the battlefield.
But not everyone can do it so advice would be to join good coaching, get yourself mentored and guided in the best way possible but at the end of the day it all depends on how much efforts you have given to sit on the table chair to study for hours.
So here were some ways which could be a great help to you in order to achieve the magical figure of 750+ and keep in mind this 750 is just a number you can easily surpass it but always go about in a planned way and you will achieve your dreams.